Plant bamboo to fight climate change

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Climate change is no longer the natural issue, but it’s the global one. In recent years, the researchers have used plant to reduce CO2 emissions. Plant bamboo to fight climate change is one of the best ecological solution now.

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Plant bamboo to fight climate change

What’s climate change?

The primary cause of climate change is the burning of fossil fuels (oil, coal,…) which emits greenhouse gases into the atmosphere—primarily carbon dioxide. Other human activities, such as deforestation, inconsequent use of water and land, also contribute to the proliferation of greenhouse gases that cause climate change.

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The consequence of climate change
The most obvious manifestation of climate change is the warming of the Earth, melting ice and rising of sea level. Climate change causes terrible consequences that affect directly on nature and people, such as:

  • Disasters such as: earthquake, tsunami, drought,…
  • Lack of food.
  • Epidemics on human and animals.
  • Decreasing biodiversity, destroy ecosystem.
  • Causing serious damages to economy and social life.

Plant bamboo to fight climate change

Bamboo is the familiar tree in tropical countries, especially planted in Vietnam. Bamboo has many uses in economy, construction, medicine,… However, under the environmental aspect, bamboo is more valuable than that: bamboo contributes to fight climate change.

Trồng tre chống biến đổi khí hậu
Plant bamboo to fight climate change
Bamboo absorbs CO2 4 times as much as normal wooden trees, helps to reduce the greenhouse effect. Per year, one hectare of bamboo could absorb up to 50 tons of greenhouse gases, also 12 tonnes of carbon dioxide. Beside, bamboo releases 35% more oxygen into the atmosphere than an equivalent stand of hardwood trees. The process of photosynthesis of bamboo can lower light intensity and protect people against ultraviolet rays.
Bamboo absorbs CO2 4 times as much as wooden trees
Bamboo absorbs CO2 4 times as much as wooden trees
Bamboo adapts to many cultivated conditions, it can be used to green vacant land and bare hill. Bamboo prevents soil erosion, protects land, especially in the hillside or riverside.
In watershed, bamboo’s extensive root contributes to reduce water velocity, prevent flash flood. Bamboo root can reduce soil erosion rate by 75%. Therefore, in flood zone, people lives peacefully thanks to protection of bamboo.
Bamboo root reduces soil erosion
Bamboo root reduces soil erosion
To be aware of bamboo’s importance, Indonesia is undertaking nation-wide planting bamboo project. More than 1000 villages across the country are planted bamboo to reduce impacts of climate change on environment.
Plant bamboo: is the solution for sustainable agriculture, is the perfect material for sustainable architecture, is the guardian for sustainable environment.

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